A solar park is exposed to the elements and atmospheric conditions around the clock. Whether sun, snow, rain or wind – these conditions all affect the modules. Furthermore, soiling such as dust, air pollution, road traffic, desert sand, falling leaves or pine needles and, above all, bird droppings represent a major long-term problem. In order to ensure that your photovoltaic system remains fully functional, your solar park will require regular cleaning.

With the integrated SunBrush® mobil wet cleaning system, you will achieve optimum results when taking care of your solar power systems. Even stubborn dirt is removed gently. With a cleaning capacity of approx. 7,000 square meters per hour (depending on the type and size of the module tables), this is a particularly effective way of maintaining large solar parks.

Expertise and experience in solar park cleaning

As a specialist in the field of solar park or solar installation cleaning, our SunBrush® mobil cleaning device allows us to offer an efficient and flexible solution as part of our portfolio. This device, which can be deployed in any location, is suitable for rooftop installations, PV outdoor installations and other smooth surfaces.


Professional solar park cleaning

Unyielding weather conditions have a visible influence on the functionality of solar systems, which is why regular solar cleaning should be carried out. But solar parks pose a great challenge in terms of the cleaning operation required. This is because special equipment is needed to meet the unique requirements at hand. In addition to the logistical organisation of the water supply needed for cleaning, solar parks often contain sources of stubborn contamination. Yield losses are to be expected, as the solar parks are considerably impaired in their function as a result. Only through regular cleaning can solar modules achieve the desired economic profits and thus be used optimally. The innovative SunBrush® system is used for the effective and gentle cleaning of solar parks.

Why is it so important to clean solar parks?

Solar parks alongside motorways, railway lines and airports, in particular, are heavily polluted due to dust swirls, rubber abrasion, brake dust and exhaust emissions. These types of soiling settle on the solar modules and, in a worst-case scenario, even burn into the glass, leading to a loss of yield. There are differences between the degree of pollution and the local conditions. A key distinction is made between five levels of soiling:

  • Soiling – level 1
    Here, there is very little soiling, which is sometimes not visible to the naked eye.
  • Soiling – level 2
    The solar systems have low levels of soiling that can be detected.
  • Soiling – level 3
    The solar system is soiled to a moderate degree.
  • Soiling – level 4
    Heavy soiling is present, from a film of dirt to incrustations.
  • Soiling – level 5
    There is very heavy and stubborn soiling on the solar system, which may cause irreversible damage.

The modern cleaning technology found in SunBrush is the ideal solution for all types and degrees of soiling. By using SunBrush® mobil and the special cleaning agent SunBrush Blue, not only will your solar system be thoroughly cleaned, the innovative technology behind these products makes using them child’s play. Ultimately, this cleaning solution greatly reduces your cleaning effort and, at the same time, optimises the solar system’s effect by removing all soiling.

Solar park cleaning with SunBrush Mobile – your benefits

Regular solar park cleaning with the innovative SunBrush® mobil solar cleaning system offers numerous advantages for you:

  • Damage is detected at an early stage
    By cleaning, the modules can simultaneously be checked for possible signs of damage.
  • Prevention of yield and performance loss
    SunBrush facilitates the effective cleaning of solar parks, thus ensuring long-term yields.
  • Value preservation